Light and Color

Physics—the most beautiful experiment in physics—dispersion experiment carried out by Newton.Without light,there is no way to tell the colors.People's understanding of light can be traced back to a famous experiment carried out by Newton in 1666.In this experiment,Newton broke sunlight into seven-color beam through a glass prism.

Three elements of vision
The eye sends signals to the brain,which processes the information to get the color.This is a both physiological and psychological phenomenon.It is both objective and subjective,so it involves different disciplines such as physics,biology,and psychology.
There exist close connections between colors and light.In a place of total darkness,we can see no color.For instance,red apples and yellow bananas become invisible.
Without substances,we cannot see colors,either.Therefore,objects are necessary to display colors.People's feeling about colors depends on their brains' analysis of signals transmitted from eyes.So visible light,objects and human visual system (eye,optic nerve and brain) are indispensable,known as the three elements of vision.
It was Issac Newton,a British scientist,who solved the mystery of colors of light.In 1666,Newton carried out the famous dispersion experiment.He shut a room into darkness,leaving only a slit in the window to allow sunlight to come in and pass through a glass prism.As a result,an unexpected miracle appeared:on the opposite wall,there was a band of light composed of seven colors,instead of an expansion of white light.The seven colors were arranged in the order of red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and purple,which was very similar to the rainbow that appears in the sun after rain.At the same time,if the seven color beam passes through another prism,it can be reduced to white light.This seven color band is spectrum.The experiment is called the most beautiful experiment in physics.
This phenomenon shows that the compound light emitted by the sun,fluorescent lamp and other light sources is composed of monochromatic light of many colors.After Newton,a large amount of scientific research further tells us that color is the objective existence of color light as the main body,and for people,it is a kind of visual sense,which is based on three factors:light,the reflection of objects to light and human's visual organ,eyes.That is to say,the visible light of different wavelengths is projected on the object,part of which is absorbed,and the other part is reflected to stimulate the human eye and is transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve,forming the color information of the object,that is,human sense of colors.Basically,objects show different colors because of the characteristic of selective absorption,reflection and transmission of light.