第253章 皆得皆安
Everything comes at its own hour, Nathaniel; everything is born of its need and is merely, so to speak, the outward expression of a need.
—The Fruits of the Earth, Writer, André Gide
hour n.小时;特定的时间
Everything comes at the right time./ Everything has got its own time.
merely adv.只不过是
outward adj.外表的,向外的
outward appearance外观
outward investment对外投资
be born of因为......而产生
Faith may be born of isolation, or at least detachment, from the world.
She was born of a noble lineage.
so to speak换句话讲(通常用于再次阐明、追加信息)
imposed learning / learning with head被动学习
Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained.
—William Blake
The delight one takes in one’s work is the sign of its fittingness, and the sincerity of my pleasure, Nathaniel, is my chief guide.
—The Fruits of the Earth, André Gide
While other people were publishing or working, I, on the contrary, devoted three years of travel to forgetting all that I had learnt with my head. This unlearning was slow and difficult; it was of more use to me than all the learning imposed by men, and was really the beginning of an education.
—André Gide
Act without judging whether the action is right or wrong. Love without caring whether what you love is good or bad.
—André Gide