physical examination 体格检查
attention to node-bearing areas 注意淋巴结区域
auscultation 听诊
axillary lymph node 腋淋巴结
axillary temperature 腋窝温度
blood pressure (BP) 血压
body mass index (BMI) 体重指数
body surface area (BSA) 体表面积
body weight (BW) 体重
bowel sound 肠鸣音
breath sound 呼吸音
celiac lymph node 腹腔淋巴结
cervical lymph node 颈淋巴结
distance of the tip of the spleen from the left costal margin (LCM) 脾尖至左肋缘的距离
distribution of node enlargement 淋巴结肿大的分布
examiner 检查者
extent of nodal involvement 淋巴结受累程度
extranodal site 结外部位
gingiva 牙龈
heart rate (HR) 心率
height 身高
inferior phrenic lymph node 膈下淋巴结
inguinal lymph node 腹股沟淋巴结
inspection 视诊
lie in a relaxed, supine position 放松、仰卧的姿势躺下
lymph node 淋巴结
maximum distance palpable from the lower costal margin 距肋弓下缘可触诊到的最大距离
mediastinal lymph node 纵隔淋巴结
mesenteric lymph node 肠系膜淋巴结
mobility 活动度
oral mucosa 口腔黏膜
oropharynx 口咽
palpation 触诊
palpation of peripheral lymph node regions 触诊外周淋巴结区域
paranasal sinus 鼻旁窦
pelvis 盆腔
percussion 叩诊
perform a thorough physical examination 进行彻底的体格检查
periparotid lymph node 腮腺周围淋巴结
pharynx 咽
posterior superior iliac spine 髂后上棘
preauricular lymph node 耳前淋巴结
pulse 脉搏
pupil 瞳孔
regional lymph node 局部淋巴结
respiration 呼吸
retroauricular area 耳后区
retroauricular lymph node 耳后淋巴结
sclera 巩膜
size of lymph node 淋巴结大小
skin changes 皮肤改变
spleen size by palpation 触诊脾脏大小
stand on the patient’s right 站在患者的右边
state of consciousness 意识状态
submandibular lymph node 下颌下淋巴结
subphrenic lymph node 膈下淋巴结
superficial or deep lymph node 浅表或深部淋巴结
tonsil 扁桃体
vital sign 生命体征
Waldeyer ring 韦氏环