Part 2的体验是什么?
口语的Part 2(俗称“趴2”或“趴吐”),剑桥的官方定义是“In Part 2,the examiner gives you a topic card. Then you have one minute to prepare and make notes. Then you'll be required to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.”
Part 2的本质是要求你做一个description(描述)。
☆ 描述时会有适当的思考和停顿(pause)。
有些考生在Part 2因为正好遇到可以使用自己准备过的答案(a prepared answer),就把答案无比流畅地背出来。这明显不符合正常人“描述”时的习惯。
☆ 描述要有一定的规划,要有秩序才能描述清楚。
与Part 1和Part 3不同,Part 2需要在同一个话题的不同方面之间做数次转换,所以对于答案的秩序感要求更高一些。不过既然是口语,毕竟还是和写作的严谨度要求不同,所以也不用太呆板(rigid)。
比如,下面这道题是《剑14》Test 2的Part 2:
Describe something you liked very much which you bought for your home.
You should say:
what you bought
when and where you bought it
why you chose this thing
and explain why you liked it so much.
下面这道题则是《剑14》Test 3的Part 2:
Describe a difficult task that you succeeded in doing as part of your work or studies.
You should say:
what task you did
why this task was difficult
how you worked on this task
and explain how you felt when you completed the task.
如果您对这些topics感觉“无从下嘴”,没关系,我们会在Day 8对卡片真题库进行深入的探寻。