Android Things Projects

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started with Android Things, introduces IoT and explains why it has such huge impact on everyday life. This chapter also introduces Android Things and explains how to use it in your first IoT project.

Chapter 2, Creating an Alarm System Using Android Things, shows how to use two-state sensors (or binary devices) in Android Things. This chapter also covers creating an alarm system that detects motion and sends a notification to a user's smartphone.

Chapter 3, How to Make an Environmental Monitoring System, shows how to connect sensors to Android Things and how to read data using the I2C bus. These concepts are applied to an IoT project that monitors the environmental parameters and uses an RGB LED to visualize it.

Chapter 4, Integrate Android Things with IoT Cloud Platforms, covers how to use Android Things in an IoT cloud architecture. This chapter describes how to stream real-time data from sensors to IoT cloud platforms.

Chapter 5, Create a Smart System to Control Ambient Light, demonstrates how to use a simple integration pattern to integrate Android Things with Arduino using the HTTP protocol.

Chapter 6, Remote Weather Station, covers how to use Android Things in Machine to Machine (M2M) architecture. In this chapter, we will build a remote weather station that monitors temperature, humidity, pressure, and light, and sends data using the MQTT protocol.

Chapter 7, Build a Spying Eye, shows how to develop an Android Things app that controls servo motors using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and how to use the camera with Android Things.

Chapter 8, Android with Android Things, covers how to develop Android companion apps that interact with Android things.