How to do it...
To generate a configuration file for your Odoo instance, run the following command:
$ odoo-bin --save --config myodoo.cfg --stop-after-init
You can add additional options, and their values will be saved in the generated file. All the unset options will be saved with their default value set. To get a list of possible options, use this:
$ odoo-bin --help | less
This will provide you with some help about what the various options perform. To convert from the command line form to the configuration form, use the long option name, remove the leading dashes, and convert the dashes in the middle to underscores:
--without-demo becomes without_demo. This works for most options, but there are a few exceptions listed in the next section.
Edit the myodoo.cfg file (use the table in the following section for some parameters you may want to change). Then, to start the server with the saved options, run the following command:
$ odoo-bin -c myodoo.cfg
The --config option is commonly abbreviated as -c.