Unity 2018 Cookbook(Third Edition)

How it works...

You added a Text GameObject to a scene. You added an instance of the ClockDigital C# script class to that GameObject.

Notice that as well as the standard two C# packages (UnityEngine and System.Collections) that are written by default for every new script, you have added the using statements for two more C# script packages, UnityEngine.UI and System. The UI package is needed, since our code uses the UI Text object; and the System package is needed, since it contains the DateTime class that we need to access the clock on the computer where our game is running.

There is one variable, textClock, which will be a reference to the Text component, whose text content we wish to update in each frame with the current time in hours, minutes, and seconds.

The Awake() method (executed when the scene begins) sets the textClock variable to be a reference to the Text component in the GameObject, to which our scripted object has been added. Storing a reference to a component in this way is referred to as caching—it means that code executed later does not need to repeat the computationally-expensive task of searching the GameObject hierarchy for a component of a particular type.

Note that an alternative approach would be to make textClock a public variable. This will allow us to assign it via drag and drop in the Inspector panel.

The Update() method is executed in every frame. The current time is stored in the time variable, and strings are created by adding leading zeros to the number values for the hours, minutes, and seconds properties of variable time.

This method finally updates the text property (that is, the letters and numbers that the user sees) to be a string, concatenating the hours, minutes, and seconds with colon
separator characters.

The LeadingZero(...) method takes as input an integer and returns a string of this number with leading zeros added to the left, if the value was less than 10.