About the Reviewers
Jason Chu is the CTO and part founder of Oprius Software Inc. He's developed software professionally for over 8 years. Chu started using Python in 2003 with version 2.2. When not developing personal or professional software, he spends his time teaching karate, playing go, and having fun in his hometown: Victoria, BC, Canada. You'll often find him out drinking the Back Hand of God Stout at Christie's Carriage House.
Michael Driscoll has been programming Python for almost 4 years and has dabbled in other languages since the late nineties. He graduated from university with a Bachelor's degree in Science, majoring in Management Information Systems. Michael enjoys programming for fun and profit. His hobbies include biblical apologetics, blogging about Python at http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/, and learning photography. Michael currently works for the local government where he programs with Python as much as possible. This is his first book as a technical reviewer.
I would like to thank my mom without whom I never would have grown to love learning as much as I do. I would also like to thank Scott Williams for forcing me to learn Python as, without him, I wouldn't have even known that the language existed. Most of all, I want to thank Jesus for saving me from myself.
Dan McGee is a software developer currently living in Chicago, Illinois. He has several years of experience working full-time in the Chicago area doing primarily Java web development; however, he has also been spotted working in a variety of other languages. Dan has also worked on a handful of freelance projects. In 2007, Dan became a developer for the Arch Linux distribution and has been doing various projects related to that since, including hacking on the package manager code, being a part-time system admin, and helping maintain and improve the website.
Lawrence Oluyede is a 26 years old software development expert in Python and web programming. He's glad that programming is going parallel and functional languages are becoming mainstream. He has been a co-author and reviewer for the first Ruby book in Italian (Ruby per applicazioni web) published by Apogeo. He has also contributed to other books in the past like the Python Cookbook (http://www.amazon.com/Python-Cookbook-Alex-Martelli/dp/0596007973/) and The Definitive Guide to Django (http://www.amazon.com/Definitive-Guide-Django-Development-Right/dp/1590597257).