Write some object-oriented code. The goal is to use the principles and syntax you learned in this chapter to ensure you can use it, instead of just reading about it. If you've been working on a Python project, go back over it and see if there are some objects you can create and add properties or methods to. If it's large, try dividing it into a few modules or even packages and play with the syntax.
If you don't have such a project, try starting a new one. It doesn't have to be something you intend to finish, just stub out some basic design parts. You don't need to fully implement everything, often just a print("this
is all you need to get the overall design in place. This is called top-down design, when you work out the different interactions and describe how they should work before actually implementing what they do. The converse, bottom-up design, implements details first and then ties them all together. Both patterns are useful at different times, but for understanding object-oriented principles, a top-down workflow is more suitable.
If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, try writing a TO DO application. (Hint: It would be similar to the design of the notebook application, but with extra date management methods.) It can keep track of things you want to do each day, and allow you to mark them as completed.
Now, try designing a bigger project; it doesn't have to actually do anything, but make sure you experiment with the package and module importing syntax. Add some functions in various modules and try importing them from other modules and packages. Use relative and absolute imports. See the difference, and try to imagine scenarios where you would want to use each one.