8.2 General Items
8.2.1 The platform,rack and spacing of storage battery bank shall be in accordance with design requirements.The storage batteries shall be stably installed and evenly spaced.The battery containers in the same line or row shall be of the same height and arranged in order.
1 The intercell connector and the tap shall be correctly connected and securely bolted,and electrical joint compound shall be applied to the joints.The anti-vibration devices shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements.
2 Outlet cables of storage batteries shall be laid according to the design,and marked with plastic labels indicating the poles-the positive in ocher and the negative in blue.The holes through which the cables pass out the battery room shall be sealed with acid and alkali proof materials.
8.2.2 The sulphuric acid conforming to the current national standard GB 4554 Sulphuric Acid for Storage Batteries shall be used to prepare the electrolyte for lead-acid storage batteries.Where the sulphuric acid of other grades is used,its physical and chemical properties shall be in accordance with those specified in Table B.0.1 of Appendix B of this code.The water used for storage batteries shall meet the requirements of the current national standard ZBK 8404 Water for Lead-acid Batteries.
1 The newly-prepared diluted sulfuric acid shall be tested only when in doubt and its density must meet the technical product specification.
2 The acid protection plug,catalytic plug,and vent plug of storage batteries shall be fitted back immediately after the filling is completed.
3 The power supply shall be reliable and shall not be interrupted during the initial charge.Open fire is not allowed when a battery is being charged.
8.2.3 Within 5 charge-discharge cycles,the discharge capacity of lead-acid storage battery at 25°C shall not be less than 95% of 10h capacity.
8.2.4 Preparation of the electrolyte for alkaline storage battery:the third grade(i.e.,chemically pure)potassium hydroxide(KOH)conforming to the current national standard shall be used,and its technical requirements shall be in accordance with those specified in Table B.0.2 of Appendix B of this code.
1 The electrolyte shall be prepared with the distilled or deionized water,and its density must meet the technical product specification.
2 The newly prepared electrolyte shall be covered and let stand over 6 hours for precipitation,and then the clarified or filtered electrolyte can be taken for use.The electrolyte shall be tested when in doubt,and its quality shall be in accordance with those specified in Table B.0.3 of Appendix B of this code.
8.2.5 Within 5 charge-discharge cycles,the discharge capacity of alkaline storage batteries at 20±5°C shall not be lower than the rated capacity.If the initial temperature of electrolyte is lower than 15°C when discharging,the discharge capacity shall be corrected according to the correction factor provided by the manufacturer.