〔美〕瓦尔特·D.米尼奥罗 著
魏然 译[2]
关键词:全球殖民性 去殖民性 去西方化 再西方化
Abstract:This article focuses on the conception of “global coloniality”,attempting to delineate several significant trends that impact global disorder/order in recent years,in particular the shift towards “dewesternization”,led maily by Russian and China,and how the West has responded with a violent effort to reasseart itself. This article emphasizes it is not enough to change only the content of the dialogues on the modes of global coloniality,and that to establish a more just and sustainable world order,it is necessary to overthrow and reform the conditions for dialogues. A number of case studies will be analyzed to evince that the decolonial projects rising from Latin American are inspiring attempts aimed at such reformation of the conditions for dialogue.
Keywords:Global Coloniality Decoloniality Dewesternization Rew-esternization