第一章 总则
Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions
第一条 为了加强机关事务管理,规范机关事务工作,保障机关正常运行,降低机关运行成本,建设节约型机关,制定本条例。
Article 1 These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of government offices, regulating the work relating to government offices, ensuring the normal operation of government agencies, reducing their operating costs and making them savings oriented.
第二条 各级人民政府及其部门的机关事务管理活动适用本条例。
Article 2 These Regulations apply to the activities of the administration of government offices of people's governments at all levels and their departments.
第三条 县级以上人民政府应当推进本级政府机关事务的统一管理,建立健全管理制度和标准,统筹配置资源。
Article 3 People's governments at or above the county level shall promote unified administration of their government offices, establish and strengthen the systems and standards therefor, and coordinate the overall allocation of resources.
All the government departments shall carry out centralized administration of their government offices and implement the systems and standards for administering government offices.
第四条 国务院机关事务主管部门负责拟订有关机关事务管理的规章制度,指导下级政府公务用车、公务接待、公共机构节约能源资源等工作,主管中央国家机关的机关事务工作。
Article 4 The competent department of the State Council for the administration of government offices shall be responsible for drawing up rules and regulations for the administration of government offices, guide the work of the governments at lower levels concerning official motor vehicles, official receptions and entertainment, and the conservation of energy and resources in public institutions, and be in charge of the work relating to the government offices of the central government agencies.
The competent departments of local people's governments at or above the county level for the administration of government offices shall guide the work relating to government offices of the governments at lower levels, and be in charge of the work relating to the government offices of the governments at their respective levels.
第五条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对本级政府各部门和下级政府的机关事务工作的监督检查,及时纠正违法违纪行为。
Article 5 People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of the work relating to government offices of their departments and the governments at lower levels, and promptly rectify acts that violate the law or discipline.
The departments of people's governments at or above the county level for development and reform, finance, auditing, supervision,etc. and for the administration of government offices shall, in line with the division of functions and duties, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the administration of government offices with respect to their operational funds, assets and services in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations; they shall, upon receiving reports concerning acts that violate the systems and standards for administering government offices, promptly investigate and deal with the cases in accordance with law.
第六条 机关事务工作应当遵循保障公务、厉行节约、务实高效、公开透明的原则。
Article 6 The work relating to government offices shall abide by the principles of ensuring the accomplishment of official business, the enforcement of austerity and frugality, practicality and efficiency, and openness and transparency.
第七条 各级人民政府应当依照国家有关政府信息公开的规定建立健全机关运行经费公开制度,定期公布公务接待费、公务用车购置和运行费、因公出国(境)费等机关运行经费的预算和决算情况。
Article 7 People's governments at all levels shall establish and strengthen a system for public disclosure of the operational funds of government agencies in accordance with the provisions of the State concerning the disclosure of government information, and publish at regular intervals the budgets and final accounts of the operational funds earmarked for official receptions and entertainment, the purchase and operation of official motor vehicles, and overseas trips on official business.
第八条 各级人民政府应当推进机关后勤服务、公务用车和公务接待服务等工作的社会化改革,建立健全相关管理制度。
Article 8 People's governments at all levels shall promote reforms geared towards outsourcing the logistic services for government agencies, the servicing of official motor vehicles and the services related to official receptions and entertainment to non-governmental service providers, and establish and strengthen a related system.