022【欧美街头的“打招呼”用语!】Long time no see.好久不见。
Long time no see.好久不见。
It's been a long time.好久不见。
It's been so long.好久不见。
I haven't seen you for a long time.好久没见你了。
I haven't seen you for ages.好久没见了。
How have you been?最近还好吗?
What have you been doing?忙什么呢?
1.A: Hey, long time no see.嘿,好久不见。
B: Yeah, the last time we met was at Tom's birthday party two years ago, right?是啊,上次我们见面还是两年前在汤姆的生日派对上,对吧?
2.A: John, is that you?约翰,是你吗?
B: Yeah, it's been so long.是我,好久没见。
3.A: How have you been doing?最近怎么样?
B: I've been alright. How about you?还不错。你呢?
4.A: Wow, we haven't seen each other since we graduated. That's 7 years.哇,我们自从毕业了就再也没见过了。七年了。
B: Yes, how are you all these years?是啊,你这些年怎么样?
“Long time no see. ”这样的句式有好几种说法,既有没什么具体内容的单纯的寒暄,“It's been so long.(好久不见。)”也有稍微提出问题展开话题的,“What have you been doing?(忙什么呢?)”至于届时要用哪种句型,就要看语境了。