1.2 Processing Technology of Mould 模具加工工艺
1.2.1 Technical Requirements of Mould 模具的技术要求
Mould is an important process equipment in modern industrial production.Compared with other mechanical products, mould has specific requirements for design, manufacture and use, which are illustrated as follows. 模具作为现代工业生产的重要工艺装备,与其他机械产品相比,模具在设计、制造、使用过程中有其特殊的要求,具体表现如下。
①Mould parts should have high strength, rigidity, abrasion resistance, impact resistance, hardenability and good cutting processability. 模具零件应具有较高的强度、刚度、耐磨性、耐冲击性、淬透性和较好的切削加工性。
②Precision demand of shape and size of mould parts is high, requirement of surface roughness value of mould is small. 模具零件的形状、尺寸精度要求高,表面粗糙度数值要求低。
③The standardization of mould parts.The standardization of mould parts directly affect the mould manufacturing cycle, manufacturing cost and manufacturing quality, with the development of the mould manufacturing technology, a growing number of mould parts will use a standardized production. 模具零件的标准化。模具零件的标准化直接影响到模具的制造周期、制造成本及制造质量,随着模具制造技术的发展,越来越多的模具零件会采用标准化生产。
④Mould should have reasonable clearance between punch and cavity die. 模具凸、凹模之间应具有合理的间隙。
1.2.2 Mould Manufacturing Process 模具制造工艺过程
Mould manufacturing process includes five stages: production technology preparation, stock, machining parts and components, assembly and debugging, test and appraisal. 模具制造工艺过程包括5个阶段:生产技术准备,备料,零件、组件加工,装配调试和试模鉴定。
①Preparation for production technologies stage.In this stage, all preparations for the production and the technologies are made before the mould production.It is the foundation of the whole production, having great impact on the quality, costs, schedule and management of the moulds.This stage is featured by different aspects of work about the mould, such as the empirical research and design, process design, design and production of the special purpose processing equipment, preparation of various production information, formulate of material consumption norm and norm of working hour, estimation of mould costs, and organizing production. 生产技术准备阶段。主要是完成模具产品投入生产前的各项生产和技术准备工作,是整个生产的基础,对模具的质量、成本、进度和管理都有重大的影响。生产技术准备阶段工作包括模具产品的试验研究设计、工艺设计和专用工艺装备的设计与制造、各种生产资料的准备、材料定额和加工工时定额制定、模具成本的估算以及生产组织等方面。
②Stock stage.To determine the mould part blank’s type, form, size and the related technical requirements. 备料阶段。确定模具零件毛坯的种类、形式、大小及有关技术要求。
③Processing of parts and components stage.This stage includes mould machining, special processing, welding, heat treatment, and other surface treatment and so on. 零件、组件加工阶段。如模具的机械加工、特种加工、焊接、热处理和其他表面处理等。
④Assembly and debugging stage.Include the assembly of parts, final assembly, debugging and marking, etc. 装配调试阶段。包括部装、总装、调试和打标记等。
⑤Test and appraisal stage.To make a evaluation of rationality and validity for mould design and manufacturing quality, determine whether the mould can achieve the desired function. 试模鉴定阶段。对模具设计及制造质量做合理性与正确性的评估,判定模具是否能达到预期的功能要求。
It is evident to see from the above process that the mould production process is complicated.In order to facilitate the organization of production and improve labor productivity, there is a development trend of modern mould industry towards automation and specialization, which does not only make the factory production process simple, but also helps to guarantee product quality, improve efficiency and reduce costs. 由上述过程不难看出,模具产品的生产过程是相当复杂的。为了便于组织生产和提高劳动生产率,现代模具工业的发展趋势是自动化、专业化生产,使得各工厂的生产过程变得简单,有利于保证质量、提高效率和降低成本。
1.2.3 Mould Manufacturing Characteristics 模具的制造特点
Strictly speaking, mould manufacturing belongs to the category of machinery manufacturing, but even an enterprise with powerful capability of machinery manufacturing may not be able to undertake tasks of mould manufacturing; it may be still harder to produce high quality moulds.This is because mould manufacturing is difficult and has many particularities compared with general machinery manufacturing. 严格来说,模具制造也属机械制造的范畴,但即使是一个机械制造能力较强的企业,也未必能承担模具制造任务,更难保证制造出高质量的模具。这是因为模具制造难度较大,与一般机械制造相比,有许多特殊性。
①Mould parts have complicated shape and high processing requirements. 模具零件形状复杂,加工要求高。
②The processing process of mould parts is complex, and the processing cycle takes much time.The processing of each part requires the cooperation between several machines, workers, workshops or even in collaboration with factories to complete. 模具零件加工过程复杂,加工周期长。每一个零件加工需要有多台机床、多个工人、多个车间甚至多个工厂共同协作完成。
③Mould parts processing belongs to a single small batch production.Therefore, in terms of its process, should have the following characteristics. 模具零件加工属于单件小批量生产。因此,就其工艺过程来讲,应具备以下一些特点。
a. No or less use special tools, as far as possible the use of general tools. 不用或少用专用工具,尽量采用通用工具。
b. In principle, by general cutting tools as much as possible to avoid non-standard cutting tools. 原则上采用通用刀具,尽可能避免非标准刀具。
c. As far as possible uses the generalduty measure tools for test. 尽可能采用通用量具检验。
d. Mould processing mostly use the generalduty machine tools, and rarely use dedicated machine tools. 模具加工大都使用通用机床,而很少使用专用机床。
④Mould processing precision is high.Mould machining accuracy is mainly manifested in two aspects: one is the processing precision requirement of mould parts is high, the second is the interrelated parts with high cooperating accuracy. 模具加工精度高。模具的加工精度主要表现在两方面:一是模具零件本身的加工精度要求高,二是相互关联的零件其配合精度要求高。
⑤Mould parts need to be repeated making repairs and supplying replacements, and adjustment.The mould after the test, according to the test case, need to adjust the mould shape and size.For the convenience of replacement and adjustment of mould parts, in processing process, sometimes put heat treatment and surface treatment into last of parts processing, i.e.after the test. 模具零件需反复修配、调整。模具在试模后,根据试模情况,需重新调整模具的形状及尺寸。为了方便模具零件的修配、调整,加工过程中,有时把热处理、表面处理等工序放在零件加工的最后,即试模后进行。
⑥Considering the influence of wear and expand on heating and contract on cooling in the working process of the mould, in the mould parts processing, often consciously control select direction of values of mould parts. 考虑模具在工作过程中的磨损及热胀冷缩的影响,模具零件加工中,常常有意识控制模具零件的选取值方向。
1.2.4 The Compiling of Mould Manufacturing Process Planning 模具制造工艺规程的编制
(1)Mould Manufacturing Process Content 模具制造工艺内容
Like other mechanical processing technology content, mould processing technology work content is as follows. 与其他机械加工工艺内容一样,模具加工时工艺人员的工作内容如下。
①Compiling process documents.Mould process documents include mould parts processing technological procedure, key points of mould assembly process or technological procedure, list of raw material, purchased parts list and cooperation parts list, etc. 编制工艺文件。模具工艺文件主要包括模具零件加工工艺规程、模具装配工艺要点或工艺规程、原材料清单、外购件清单和外协件清单等。
②Design of secondary tools and formation of their processing methods.Secondary tools refer to all types of special tools used in the machining and assembling of moulds.Such tools are normally designed by mould technicians who are also responsible for the formation of their processing methods. 二类工具的设计和工艺编制。二类工具是指加工和装配模具时所用的各种专用工具。这些专用的二类工具,一般都由模具工艺技术人员负责设计和编制工艺。
③Processing technical problems of machining site. 处理加工现场技术问题。
④The punch test and pressure test for all kinds of mould after assembling is an important link of the mould production, mould process technicians and other related personal through the punch test and pressure test, analyze technical problems and propose solutions, and make the right conclusions for the final technical status of the mould quality. 各种模具在装配之后的试冲和试压是模具生产的重要环节,模具工艺技术人员和其他有关人员通过试冲和试压,分析技术问题和提出解决方案,并对模具的最终技术质量状态做出正确的结论。
(2)The Compiling of Mould Manufacturing Process Rules 模具制造工艺规程的编制
①The concept of process rules.Process file of stipulating manufacturing process and operation method of products or parts called process rules.Mechanical machining process rules should stipulate generally process contents, test methods, cutting parameters, the time quota and used machine tools and process equipment, etc.Reasonable process rules have the very vital significance to ensure product quality, improve labor efficiency, reduce raw material and power consumption, improve labor conditions. 工艺规程的概念。规定产品或零件制造工艺过程和操作方法等的工艺文件称为工艺规程。机械加工工艺规程一般应规定工序的加工内容、检验方法、切削用量、时间定额以及所采用机床和工艺装备等。合理的工艺规程对保证产品质量、提高劳动效率、降低原材料及动力消耗、改善工人的劳动条件等有十分重要的意义。
②The role of process rules.Process rules are established on the basis of summarizing the practical experience, on the basis of scientific theory and the necessary process test, reflect the objective law of processing.It’s role in the production process has the following several aspects.工艺规程的作用。工艺规程是在总结实践经验的基础上,依据科学的理论和必要的工艺试验后制订的,反映了加工中的客观规律。其在生产过程中的作用有以下几个方面。
a. Process rules are important technical documents for guiding the production. 工艺规程是指导生产的重要技术文件。
b. Process rules are the basic foundation of production organization and management. 工艺规程是生产组织和生产管理工作的基本依据。
c. Process rules are the basic data of construction or expansion of the factory or workshop. 工艺规程是新建或扩建工厂或车间的基本资料。
③The principle of making process rules.The basic principle of compiling mould manufacturing process rules is under certain production conditions, to make sure the production with the lowest cost and highest production efficiency, to work out reliably the conform to the requirements of the design drawings and technical requirements of product parts.A reasonable process rule must reflect the basic requirement of the following aspects. 制定工艺规程的原则。制定工艺规程的基本原则是在一定的生产条件下,所编制的工艺规程能保证以最低的生产成本和最高的生产效率,可靠地加工出符合设计图样要求及技术要求的产品零件。一个合理的工艺规程要体现出以下几方面的基本要求。
a. The reliability of the product quality. 产品质量的可靠性。
b. Advanced technology. 工艺技术的先进性。
c. The good economic efficiency. 良好的经济效益性。
d. The good working conditions. 良好的劳动条件。
④Mould manufacturing process rules preparation steps.Mould manufacturing process rules establishment steps are as follows. 模具制造工艺规程编制的步骤。模具制造工艺规程编制的步骤如下。
a. Mould manufacturability analysis. 模具工艺性分析。
b. Determine the workblank form. 确定毛坯形式。
c. Protocol process route. 拟定工艺路线。
d. Determine the machining allowance of each process and the process dimension and its tolerance. 确定各工序的加工余量,计算工序尺寸及其公差。
e. Select using machine equipment and tool, fixture and measuring tool and auxiliary means in each the process. 选择各工序使用的机床设备及刀具、夹具、量具和辅助工具。
f. Determine the cutting dosage and time quota. 确定切削用量及时间定额。
g. Fill in the process documents. 填写工艺文件。