And I waited alone.I walked up and down the floor of the little room, looking at the clock and wondering what was happening on that crowded floor of the big Broad Street building.The market was open.Davis was buying as I had directed.But at what figure was he buying?
No one came near me, not even the butler.It was ten-twenty before the bell rang again.
"Hello! This is Mr.Davis's office.Is this Mr.Colton? Tell him Mr.Davis says L.and T.is one hundred and fifty now and jumping twenty points at a lick.There is the devil to pay.Scarcely any stock in sight and next door to a panic.Shall we go on buying?"I was trying to decide upon an answer when some one touched my elbow.Miss Colton was standing beside me.She did not speak, but she looked the question.
I told her what I had just heard.
"One hundred and fifty!" she exclaimed."That is-- Why, that is dreadful! What will you do?"I shook my head."That is for you to say," I answered.
"No, it is for you.You are doing this.I trust you.Do what you think is right--you and Mr.Davis.That is what Father would wish if he knew.""Davis will do nothing on his own responsibility.""Then you must do it alone.Do it! do it!"I turned to the 'phone once more."Buy all you can get," Iordered."Keep on bidding.But be sure and spread the news that it is Colton buying to secure control of the road, not to cover his shorts.Be sure that leaks out.Everything depends on that."I hung up the receiver.She and I looked at each other.
"What will happen, do you think?" she asked.
"God knows!...Are you going? Don't go!""I must," gently."Father is worse, I fear, and I must not leave him.Doctor Quimby says the next few hours may tell us whether he is--is--whether he is to be with us or not.I must go.Be brave.
I trust you.Be brave, for--for I am trying so hard to be."I seized her hand.She drew it from my grasp and hastened away.
Brave! Well, for her sake, I must be.Yet it was because of her that I was such a coward.
As I recall all this now I wonder at myself.The whole thing seems too improbable to be true, yet true it was.I lost my identity that day, I think, and, as the telephone messages kept coming, and the situation became more and more desperate, became some one else, some one a great deal braver and cooler and more clear-sighted than ever I had been or shall be again.I seemed to see my course plainer every moment and to feel surer of myself and that my method--my bluff, if you like--was the only salvation.
At eleven Louisville and Transcontinental was selling--the little that was sold--at four hundred and fifty dollars a share, on a par value of fifty.At eleven-thirty it had climbed another hundred.
The whole Street was a Bedlam, so they 'phoned me, and the newspapers were issuing "panic" extras.
"Tell Davis to stop buying now," I ordered."Let it be known that Colton has secured control and is satisfied."At noon the figure was 700 bid and 800 asked.There was no trading at all, for the sufficient reason that no shares were to be had.
Johnson came in to ask if he should bring my luncheon.I bade him clear out and let me alone.As he was tip-toeing away I called after him.
"How is Mr.Colton?" I asked.
"Very bad indeed, sir.Miss Mabel wished me to say that she could not leave him an instant.It is the crisis, the doctor thinks."There were two crises then, one on each floor of the big house.At one Davis himself 'phoned.
"Still hanging around 700," he announced."Begins to look as if the top had been reached.What shall I do now?"My plan was ready and I gave my orders as if I had been doing such things for years.
"Sell, in small lots, at intervals," I told him."Then, if the price breaks, begin buying through another broker as cautiously as you can."The answer was in a different tone; there was a new note, almost of hope, in it.
"By the Lord, I believe you have got it!" he cried."It may work.
I'll report to you, Mr.Colton, right away."Plainly he had no doubt that "Big Jim" was directing the fight in person.Far was it from me to undeceive him!
Another interval.Then he reported a drop of a hundred points.
"The bottom is beginning to fall out, I honestly believe.They think you've done 'em again.I am spreading the report that you have the control cinched.As soon as the scramble is really on I'll have a half dozen brokers buying for us."It was half-past two when the next message came.It was exultant, triumphant.
"Down like an avalanche.Am grabbing every share offered.We've got 'em, sure!"And, as three o'clock struck, came the final crow.
"Hooray for our side! They're dead and buried! You have two hundred shares more than fifty per cent, of the common stock.The Louisville road is in your pocket, Mr.Colton.I congratulate you.
Might have known they couldn't lick the old man.You are a wonder.
I'll write full particulars and then I am going home and to bed.
I'm dead.I didn't believe you could do it! How did you?"I sat there, staring at the 'phone.Then, all at once, I began to laugh, weakly and hysterically, but to laugh, nevertheless.
"I--I organized a Development Company," I gasped."Good night."I rose from the chair and walked out into the library.I was so completely fagged out by the strain I had been under that Istaggered as I walked.The library door opened and Johnson came in.He was beaming, actually beaming with joy.
"He's very much better, sir," he cried."He's conscious and the doctor says he considers 'im out of danger now.Miss Mabel sent word she would be down in a short while.She can't leave the mistress immediate, but she'll be down soon, sir."I looked at him in a dazed way."Tell Miss Colton that I am very glad, Johnson," I said."And tell her, too, that everything here is satisfactory also.Tell her that Mr.Paine says her father has his control.""'His control!' And what may that be, if you please, sir?""She will understand.Say that everything is all right, we have won and that Mr.Colton has his control.Don't forget.""And--and where will you be, sir?"
"I am going home, I think.I am going home and--to bed."