第24章 1st February,1835
To J.Tarn,Esq.ST.PETERSBURG,FEB.1,1835.
THE last account which I had the honour of transmitting to you detailed expenses in the editing of the Mandchou Testament as far as the first two sheets of St.John.That Gospel having by the blessing of the Almighty passed through the press,and a copy of it bound,and also copies of the three other Gospels,having been forwarded to London,I snatch a moment from my occupation to give an account of my late outgoings,the sums drawn for having been considerable on account of my having many and large bills to discharge.When I last wrote,I retained in hand 75roubles 50copecks,of the sum of 3500drawn for;since which sum I have drawn for the separate sums of 5000and 500according to the books of the Sarepta House.I had advanced to the printer in consequence of the illness of his compositors the sum of 250,which being deducted from the 5000I shall,in order to prevent confusion,take no notice of,and proceed to give an account of the disbursement of R.C.
11Jany.1835,paid Mr.Pluchard for one hundred and sixty-five reams of paper at 25R.per ream,412527Dec.1834,paid Mr.Lauffert for the binding of St.Matthew,450Do.for 2chests to contain St.
Jan.2,1835,to printer for 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10of St.John,200Do.for printing 6000titles,being sufft.for 6of the 8parts of the Test.,60Jany.9,from 10to 16of St.John,150
Do.for the casting of 6large type,for titles,not in Baron Schilling's colln.,the rest being furnished by him,4Do.16.From 16to 22of St.John,150
Do.22.To Mr.Lauffert for bindg.
St.Mark's Gospel,450
Do.22,.22to 26and a half of St.
John,11250572150The Society are therefore at the present moment further indebted to me 146R.0C.
Should you discover at any time any inaccuracy in the accounts which I transmit,you will much oblige me by instantly making me acquainted with the same,in order that a satisfactory explanation may be given.The sacrifice of time to the correction of the manuscript and proof-sheets scarcely allows me a moment's leisure,and I am moreover compelled to superintend the printers and book-binders,for everything goes wrong without a strict surveillance.
By the time these lines reach you the Acts of the Apostles (the Lord willing)will have passed through the press.Next week I hope to write to the Revd.J.Jowett.
I remain,etc.,G.BORROW.
P.S.-I believe that the seven shillings may be accounted for in this manner.I charged seven POUNDS for my passage to Hamburg,whereas I paid seven GUINEAS.