第182章 2nd January,1840
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.Jan.13,1840)MADRID,No.16CALLE SANTIAGO,2JANUARY 1840.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-To-morrow I depart in order to return to Seville.I have laid a full account of the late outrageous assault before the British Embassy,and a strong representation has been made to the Spanish Government.I have now nothing further to detain me in the Spanish capital,and I hope that within a very short time I shall be able to bid adieu to the shores of Spain,which I shall quit with as little regret as the tired labourer at nightfall quits the filthy ditch in which he has been toiling during the whole of a dreary day.
I should feel much obliged if you would write me a line or two,directed to my usual address,No.7Plazuela de la Pila Seca,Sevilla,with any little information respecting matters of serious import,as I am almost entirely unacquainted with what has been going on during the last six months,the public journals containing little which has any interest for me.Is it possible that the British Government is going to bombard the coast of China because the Emperor of that country is not disposed to countenance opium smuggling?I have frequently difficulty in believing my eyes when I read of the proceedings of Christians and people high in authority,whom it is of course my wish and duty to respect.Is it wonderful that the Chinese cling to Buddh and refuse to confess the Son of the Eternal,when they see the professors of the Christian religion commit such acts of cruel violence and flagrant injustice?
I have drawn for twenty pounds,which will liquidate the expenses of the journey from Seville and back again.I shall require no more until my departure for England.In the meanwhile I am preparing my accounts and various other papers.Pray present my best remembrances to all my friends.If there be anything which Ican perform for any of them before I leave Spain,let them but inform me and it shall be done.
I remain,Revd.and dear Sir,ever yours,GEORGE BORROW.