`Say the words, dear one, and the subject shall be dismissed; a blissful loving intimacy of six years, and then marriage - O Bathsheba, say them!' he begged in a husky voice, unable to sustain the forms of mere friendship any longer. `Promise yourself to me; I deserve it, indeed I do, for I have loved you more than anybody in the world! And if I said hasty words and showed uncalled-for heat of manner towards you, believe me, dear, I did not mean to distress you; I was in agony, Bathsheba, and I did not know what I said. You wouldn't let a dog suffer what I have suffered, could you but know it! Sometimes I shrink from your knowing what I have felt for you, and sometimes I am distressed that all of it you never will know.
Be gracious, and give up a little to me, when I would give up my life for you!'
The trimmings of her dress, as they quivered against the light, showed how agitated she was, and at last she burst out crying. `And you'll not - press me - about anything more - if I say in five or six years?' she sobbed, when she had power to frame the words.
`Yes, then I'll leave it to time.'
`Very well. If he does not return, I'll marry you in six years from this day, if we both live,' she said solemnly.
`And you'll take this as a token from me.'
Boldwood had come close to her side, and now he clasped one of her hands in both his own, and lifted it to his breast.
`What is it? Oh I cannot wear a ring!' she exclaimed, on seeing what he held; `besides, I wouldn't have a soul know that it's an engagement!
Perhaps it is improper? Besides, we are not engaged in the usual sense, are we? Don't insist, Mr Boldwood - don't!' In her trouble at not being able to get her hand away from him at once, she stamped passionately on the floor with one foot, and tears crowded to her eyes again.
`It means simply a pledge - no sentiment - the seal of a practical compact,' he said more quietly, but still retaining her hand in his firm grasp. `Come, now!' And Boldwood slipped the ring on her finger.
`I cannot wear it,' she said, weeping as if her heart would break. `You frighten me, almost. So wild a scheme! Please let me go home!'
`Only to-night: wear it just to-night, to please me!'
Bathsheba sat down in a chair, and buried her face in her handkerchief, though Boldwood kept her hand yet. At length she said, in a sort of hopeless whisper--`Very well, then, I will to-night, if you wish it so earnestly. Now loosen my hand; I will, indeed I will wear it to-night.'
`And it shall be the beginning of a pleasant secret courtship of six years, with a wedding at the end?'
`It must be, I suppose, since you will have it so!' she said, fairly beaten into non-resistance.
Boldwood pressed her hand, and allowed it to drop in her lap. `I am happy now,' he said. `God bless you!'
He left the room, and when he thought she might be sufficiently composed sent one of the maids to her. Bathsheba cloaked the effects of the late scene as she best could, followed the girl, and in a few moments came downstairs with her hat and cloak on, ready to go. To get to the door it was necessary to pass through the hall, and before doing so she paused on the bottom of the staircase which descended into one corner, to take a last look at the gathering.
There was no music or dancing in progress just now. At the lower end, which had been arranged for the work-folk specially a group conversed in whispers, and with clouded looks. Boldwood was standing by the fireplace, and he, too, though so absorbed in visions arising from her promise that he scarcely saw anything, seemed at that moment to have observed their peculiar manner, and their looks askance.
`What is it you are in doubt about, men?' he said.
One of them turned and replied uneasily: `It was something Laban heard of, that's all, sir.'
`News? Anybody married or engaged, born or dead?' inquired the farmer, gaily. `Tell it to us, Tall. One would think from your looks and mysterious ways that it was something very dreadful it indeed.
`O no, sir, nobody is dead,' said Tall.
`I wish somebody was,' said Samway, in a whisper.
`What do you say, Samway?' said Boldwood, somewhat sharply. `If you have anything to say, speak out; if not, get up another dance.
`Mrs Troy has come downstairs,' said Samway to Tall. `If you want to tell her, you had better do it now.'
`Do you know what they mean?' the farmer asked Bathsheba, across the room.
`I don't in the least,' said Bathsheba.