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Packt Upsell
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Installing an MQTT 3.1.1 Mosquitto Server
Understanding convenient scenarios for the MQTT protocol
Working with the publish-subscribe pattern
Working with message filtering
Understanding the MQTT puzzle – clients servers and connections
Installing a Mosquitto server on Linux
Installing a Mosquitto server on macOS
Installing a Mosquitto server on Windows
Considerations for running a Mosquitto server in the cloud
Test your knowledge
Using Command-Line and GUI Tools to Learn How MQTT Works
Subscribing to topics with a command-line tool
Subscribing to topics with a GUI tool
Publishing messages with a command-line tool
Publishing messages with a GUI tool
Unsubscribing from topics with a GUI tool
Learning best practices for topics
Understanding MQTT wildcards
Learning about the different QoS levels
Working with at least once delivery (QoS level 1)
Working with exactly once delivery (QoS level 2)
Understanding overhead in the different Quality of Service levels
Securing an MQTT 3.1.1 Mosquitto Server
Understanding the importance of securing a Mosquitto server
Generating a private certificate authority to use TLS with Mosquitto
Creating a certificate for the Mosquitto server
Configuring TLS transport security in Mosquitto
Testing the MQTT TLS configuration with command-line tools
Testing the MQTT TLS configuration with GUI tools
Creating a certificate for each MQTT client
Configuring TLS client certificate authentication in Mosquitto
Testing the MQTT TLS client authentication with command-line tools
Forcing the TLS protocol version to a specific number
Writing Code to Control a Vehicle with Python and MQTT Messages
Understanding the requirements to control a vehicle with MQTT
Defining the topics and commands
Creating a virtual environment with Python 3.6.x and PEP 405
Understanding the directory structure for a virtual environment
Activating the virtual environment
Deactivating the virtual environment
Installing paho-mqtt for Python
Connecting a client to the secured MQTT server with paho-mqtt
Understanding callbacks
Subscribing to topics with Python
Configuring certificates for IoT boards that will work as clients
Creating a class to represent a vehicle
Receiving messages in Python
Working with multiple calls to the loop method
Testing and Improving Our Vehicle Control Solution in Python
Processing commands with Python
Sending messages with Python
Working with the network loop with Python
Working with last will and testament with Python
Working with retained last will messages
Understanding blocking and non-blocking code
Using the threaded client interface
Monitoring a Surfing Competition with Cloud-Based Real-Time MQTT Providers and Python
Understanding the requirements
Defining the topics and payloads
Coding a surfboard sensor emulator
Configuring the PubNub MQTT interface
Publishing data retrieved from sensors to the cloud-based MQTT server
Working with multiple MQTT servers
Running multiple clients
Building a web-based dashboard with freeboard
Chapter 1: Installing an MQTT 3.1.1 Mosquitto server
Chapter 2: Using Command-Line and GUI Tools to Learn How MQTT Works
Chapter 3: Securing an MQTT 3.1.1 Mosquitto Server
Chapter 4: Writing Code to Control a Vehicle with Python and MQTT Messages
Chapter 5: Testing and Improving our Vehicle Control Solution in Python